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Successful cloud migration starts with thorough planning

At 35x, we place great importance on detailed analysis and well-founded planning to ensure your cloud transformation proceeds smoothly and efficiently. The systematic analysis and planning phase is the most crucial part of the entire migration process. Toghether with our customers, we lay the foundation for their cloud success.

IT Architectural Analysis

A comprehensive inventory of the current IT landscape is always the first step towards the cloud. During the analysis phase, we gather all relevant information about applications, databases, servers, networks, interfaces, and more. This detailed analysis provides us with a complete picture of your IT environment. It forms the basis for further planning and helps us develop the best migration strategies.

Security in Cloud Migration
Security in Cloud Migration

Workload Evaluation

In the next step, we evaluate the workloads based on various criteria to identify the best migration candidates. The most common criteria are:

  • Business Relevance: How critical is the application to your business processes? What impact would a failure have? Applications essential to business operations must always be analyzed with the utmost precision to enable smooth migration.
  • Technical Complexity: What technologies are used? Architecturally complex applications may require special migration strategies.
  • Performance Requirements: What performance must the application deliver? Applications with high performance requirements or significant load fluctuations must be carefully planned to ensure they function optimally in the cloud.
  • Security and compliance requirements: What regulations and guidelines must be followed? Sensitive data requires special protection and security measures.
  • Resource Consumption:How efficiently does the application use current resources? Applications that consume many resources can be particularly well optimized through cloud migration.

Identification of Migration Candidates

Based on the previous assessment, we select the workloads that will benefit most from cloud migration. We consider:

  • Modernization Potential: Which applications can be modernized through cloud migration? Applications based on outdated technologies can, for example, be modernized during cloud migration.
  • Expected Benefits: Which workloads offer the greatest opportunities for efficiency improvement, cost reduction, scalability, or agility? Applications that can be operated more efficiently in the cloud have, for example, great potential for cost savings.
  • Possible ChallengesWhat risks and difficulties could surface? How can we proactively address and minimize them? Applications with special requirements or dependencies require careful planning to overcome potential challenges.
a landscape of a forest maze with trees and plants

Thorough planning is the key to successful Cloud-MigrationWith 35x, you have an experienced partner by your side who will guide and support you throughout the entire process. We help you analyze your IT environment precisely, identify the best migration candidates, and create a detailed migration plan. This ensures that your cloud migration is safe, smooth, and successful.

Would you like to learn more about our Services ? Here you can find more about our offerings in the areas of Security and Risk Assessment as well as an overview of the tools we use.
