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What exactly is cloud migration, and why is it so crucial?

Cloud Migration Truck

Einfach ausgedrückt bezieht sich die Cloud Migration auf den Prozess, bei dem Unternehmen ihre Daten, Anwendungen und IT-Systeme von traditionellen Rechenzentren oder veralteten Infrastrukturen in die Cloud verlagern. Es gibt verschiedene Ansätze für diesen Prozess – und die Wahl des richtigen Ansatzes ist entscheidend für den Erfolg.

The Most Common Cloud Migration Methods:

  1. Lift-and-Shift

The simplest approach: the existing IT infrastructure is moved to the cloud with minimal changes. Think of it as relocating to a new, already furnished apartment. This method enables a quick migration and provides immediate benefits such as greater flexibility. For example, a company might migrate its well-functioning ERP software to a cloud environment to take advantage of scalable resources.

  1. Refactoring

In this approach, existing software is redesigned and modernized to fully leverage the cloud's potential. It’s like a full renovation: everything is optimized to function more efficiently. A practical example: A company adapts its application to utilize cloud-native features such as auto-scaling or AI-driven processes.

  1. Replatforming

A mix of Lift-and-Shift and Refactoring: Certain elements of an application are optimized without a complete redesign. Imagine replacing an old heating system in your apartment with a modern one – the basic structure remains the same, but efficiency improves. In IT, this might mean modifying a web application so it benefits from the cloud's flexible computing power.

Why Is the Right Strategy So Crucial? Because it determines how quickly your company can reap the benefits of the cloud – and how well scalability and efficiency are ensured in the long run!

Some customers have successfully entered the cloud with the Lift-and-Shift method, immediately benefiting from on-demand resources. Others have achieved significant efficiency gains and cost savings by leveraging cloud technologies through Refactoring.

Unsere Experten führen eine detaillierte Analyse der bestehenden Infrastruktur durch, um den besten Ansatz für unsere Kunden zu empfehlen. Möchten Sie erfahren, wie wir Sie bei Ihrer Cloud-Migrationsreise unterstützen können? Contact us – gemeinsam entwickeln wir eine Strategie, die perfekt auf Ihre Ziele zugeschnitten ist!

Moving Truck to the Cloud being loaded with boxes, symbol for Cloud Migration